
石神夏希 Natsuki Ishigami

Quezon Ave.駅からMRT でCubao へ。LRT に乗り換え、Santolan の駅に向かう。曇り空の下、車窓から茶色い川が見えた。
I went to Cubao from Quezon. Ave. Station by MRT, and then went to Santolan Station by LRT. I saw the dark river from a window.

駅前にはすでにKARNABAL の面々が集まっていた。JK にピーナツチョコレートを一粒もらい、仙豆を食べた悟空みたいな気持ちで出発。
There were already KARNABAL participants at the station. JK gave me a peanut chocolate before I start and it made me feel like I am Goku with a senzu, a magical energy bean.

I misunderstood the instruction because it was English language. I wanted to go to [71] but went to [28]. Although I found my mistake when I was still on the pedestrian bridge, I kept going that way because it was Engeki Quest.

歩道橋のたもとにOTTO の看板が見えてきた。店内に入って靴を探してみる。心なしか店員が私を見て意味ありげに笑っているように感じた。停まっているトライシクルのドライバーにOld J.P. Rizal はこの通りだよね?と確認して三叉路を入る。少し先でTheresa と彼女の友達に会い、少し立ち話。逆方向を目指していたので、バイバイまたねと別れて先へ進む。「BAYANI」の赤いサイン、最初はよく見つけたと思ったが、そのうち連呼に変わった。
The signboard of OTTO appeared. I came into the shop and looked for shoes for me. I felt like a shop staff smiled meaningfully. I asked a tricycle driver if it’s Old J.P. Rizal and went into the junction of three-road. I met Theresa and her friend in a while and had a short conversation. We were going to different direction so we said good-bye to each other and went forward. “BAYANI” seemed difficult to find in the beginning but it became repeated call finally.

M. Rozas street に気づかず通り過ぎ、川まで行ってしまう。蛇行した道の両側には小さな靴の工場(こうば)が並ぶ。道端の人たちは皆、目が合うとにっこり笑ってあいさつを返してくれる。川向うに、かばと馬のあいだみたいな変な生き物が見えた。
I didn’t notice M. Rozas street and walked to the riverside. I saw many tiny shoe factories on the both sides of the winding passage. The people smiled to me and said hello when our eyes met. There were some strange animals like mix of hippo and horse on the other side of river.

I found that it was a wrong way and came back to the people for asking them where was M. Rozas street. An old woman asked me “where do you want to go?” but I could answer just “shoe factory”. She asked me “which factory?” and I answered I didn’t know. She grabbed out the adventure book from my hand, and asked other people and went into her house to ask her family. Many kids came around me and I didn’t have much time. I told her it’s okay now but she still grabbed the edge of my book and didn’t release it. I walked to a shoe factory with her eventually.

I found a poster and knocked on the door. A woman came out and said “you’re Chikara’s friend, right?” The old woman said something like “take care of her” in Tagalog, and then went home.
Under a high ceiling and minimum lights, my eyes needed a little long while to see well. The women employees gave me smiles when I said “hello” to them. Behind a wall, there was an old man who was attaching leather on heels quietly. I asked him permission and watched his work from behind him.

I came back to the same street and walked toward the direction of the cross.

San Antonio De Padua Parish Church は川に面した教会で、オープンエアの礼拝堂を涼しい風が吹き抜けていく。心地よくて、しばらくのあいだベンチに腰掛けて目を閉じる。礼拝堂を出ると、David が教会の階段を昇ってきたところだった。
San Antonio De Padua Parish Church was a church faced to the river. The wind blew through the open-air chapel and it was comfortable. I sat down on a bench and kept my eyes closed for a while. When I went out of the chapel, I met David coming up the stairs.

We walked up a very narrow path along the blue rail by the river. Children were watching us curiously.

歯医者の前で私は57 を、David は7 を選んで二手に別れた。高い土手のフェンスに沿って小さな家が並ぶ、人がすれ違えないほどの細道を進む。数メートル下の川原では、David が子どもたちの群れに捕まっているのが見えた。軒先の小さなベンチに座っていた年配の女性ふたり、前を通り過ぎようとあいさつすると「まあちょっと座って行きなさいよ」とあたりまえのように言うので、そのまま並んで座って川を眺める。まちの人たち同士は何も示し合わせていないはずなのに、まるで行く先々で私たちが来るのを知っていて、待ち受けてくれているみたいだ。
I took [57] and David took [7] in front of the dental clinic. I walked through a very narrow path along fences of the riverbank. It was so narrow as two people can’t pass through each other. I saw David being caught by kids on the riverside some meters below. I met two women sitting on a small bench outside and they told me to sit with them for a while. We sat down side by side and watched the river flow. It felt like the people of Marikina were waiting for us everywhere even though they shouldn’t have been in collusion.
The woman next to me pointed the other side of river and said; it's so nice place here. We see many joggers there on weekends. But when Typhoon Ondoy came, water came up to that height and it washed out many houses with flood.
Soon after I said thank you and left them, many kids ran slope up and caught me in no time. They were shouting “adventure?!” “dead dog?!” and pulled me down to the riverside. I dropped off from my route and teleported to [7].

The kids pointed a spot like just a rut without any landmark and shouted “Here! Dead dog is here!” Although I asked them if someone of them bury it here, everyone shook their heads. In a while, they ran slope and fence up again to find another adventure, calling “adventure! Adventure!”

緑に包まれた野外休憩所では老人と少年がチェスをしており、青年が眺めていた。雨が降り出したので木陰で雨宿りをしていると、Nikki とNess がやってきた。ふたりとも、とても幸せそうに見えた。次に進むには4 つの選択肢があるが道が判別できない。目印に指定されているガスタンクを探すが見つからず、とりあえず進んでみようと歩き始めると、うしろからNess が「ナツキ!タンク!」と叫んだ。見上げると道のまっすぐ向こうに貯水タンクがそびえていた。
At the rest station wrapped by greens, a boy and an old man was playing chess and a young man was watching it. When I was sheltering from the rain under a tree, Nikki and Ness came. They looked happy so much. We had four options but couldn’t discern the ways or couldn’t find a “gas-tank” as a landmark. When I started to walk on random, Ness said loudly “Natsuki! Tank!” from behind. I looked up and found a water-tank down the street.

(Photo by Ness Roque-Lumbres)

The rain was getting harder. The path was very narrow and I didn’t know if it was a “path” or a private yard. We went through between shacks, saying “magandang hapon po” as polite as possible. We met the people playing ma-jong outside and they responded us with smiles.

Nikki たちが【69】へ進むというので、私は別の道を選んだ。大通りに沿って北を目指す。雨はすっかり本降りでサンダルの足元はぐずぐず。「マイ・パーフェクト・シューズ」と出会ったら、すぐに履き替えたい。
Nikki and Ness took [69] and I took another one. I walked north along the main street. The rain was already strong enough and my sandals were soaked. If I would meet “my perfect shoes”, I wanted to change my shoes immediately.

I misunderstood “puto” as something like a meat product because I saw some meat shops with sausages. Finally I got a “true puto”. I did like their colors-white, brown, violet and peppermint green. I wanted to eat them soon with a walk because I was hungry, but I gave up it because of the hard rain.

Shoe Museum に着くと、ガードマンが笑顔で申し訳なさそうに「閉館です」と言った。どっちでもいいと思っていたのに、イメルダの800 足もの靴コレクションを見れないとわかった途端、急に見たくなった。
I made it to the Shoe Museum but the guard-man said to me “it’s closed, ma’am” with an apologetic smile. Actually I didn’t care even if I couldn’t see it, but it made me suddenly feel like I really wanted to see Imelda’s 800 pairs of shoes.

I came into the Our Lady of the Abandoned Parish Church with very soaked shoes. At the entrance, I saw a strange religious painting of the Marikina people riding bicycles and sharing breads.

I wondered at the fact I didn’t meet anyone even as the end of adventure nears. I was attracted to Kapitan Moy’s cemetery, but I felt a little uneasy about going alone to cemetery in the rain. I wished I had someone to accompany.

I walked around through the Marikina public market. The name of a banana specialty shop was “Ricky Fruits Shop” and it stocked only a lot of bananas. I never like banana and someone ever has told me “it might be because banana is a clone”. All of bananas in the world are genetic mutation which can not propagate by itself and they all have the same DNA.
At the end of market, the monument of shoe told me the time.

大通りから適当な小道を入ると、家と家のすきまの細い下り坂の向こうに川が見えた。水を買おうとしたサリサリストアのカウンターでは店番がてら宿題をやる小さな女の子。写真を撮っていい?と尋ねるときょとんとしていたが、シャッターを切ると微笑んだ。白い女神のモニュメントを目印に進む。川沿いの店ではカラオケが流行りのようだ。しばらく佇んで歌を聞く。並びの店の一軒から出てきたJK とBrandon と鉢合わせし、一緒に歩いていると、小雨の中をYenYen とSig が自転車に乗ってやってきた。蛇行する2台の自転車がダンスしているようで、『雨に唄えば』みたいだと思った。よどんだマリキナ川のほとりに立って魚の跳ねるのを眺めていたら、うしろから終演の拍手が聞こえた。
I walked into a random passage from the main street and had a view of the river beyond the narrow slope. At a sari-sari store that I bought water, I met a little girl who was doing homework. She didn’t understand what I meant when I asked to take a picture of her, but she smiled at a shutter sound of my camera. I walked towards the statue of white goddess. It seemed like Karaoke was very popular in the restaurants along the river. I stopped and listened to a man singing. I met JK and Brandon coming out from one of them and we walked together. YenYen and Sig on bicycle came over in the light rain. Snaking two bicycle looked like dancing and it reminded me of “Singin’ in the Rain”. When I was watching the fishes jumping in the river, I heard the applause to the end of a show from behind.


David Finnigan

I started out hunting for the shoe factory, and when they let me inside and took me for a tour, I had a huge grin on my face. It was a perfect secret, not complicated but fascinating, and it gave me a chance to see something, experience something lovely, and I felt like I snuck into a little parallel universe.

After that I made it to the church, then walked along the river - and the little boys showed me where they'd buried the dead dog, and they were so excited, and it was lovely. And then I walked through the streets and it was a beautiful part of town - everyone was really interested and excited to see me, and when they saw I was holding the Engeki Quest book, they wanted to know more.

I got invited to play basketball with some boys. I had a guy walk along with me for a bit to pretend to be friends, and a girl teased her boyfriend by saying he was whiter than me. And then I made it to the shoe museum. It was closed, but I met Brandon, and together we walked to the cemetary.

The cemetary was so so beautiful. Brandon and I walked all around it in the rain. And then we walked through the public market, and then we crossed the river at the bridge. We had some time so we wanted to try to make it to the 'maze', but we walked for a while and then realised we weren't getting any closer in time.

Finally we came back to the river and crossed at the pedestrian crossing, and the janitor fish were jumping in the water after the rain.







